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Neice Joan A very special doll to me {Thank You so much} February 13, 2014
Uncle Bill.
I can remember one time Me and our Louise came to visit you when you lived in Brinnington.
And you give this little doll to Louise, she was only about 4 years old at the time.
I can remember you saying to me that you bought it for my Aunty Winnie when you once went a trip out somewhere.
Louise always loved that doll you gave her and called her Rosie.
Uncle Bill I now have that doll in my bedroom on a set of  drawers.
And everytime I look at the doll it reminds me of you and Aunty Winnie.
The doll is so very special to me and always will be.
Thank You so much for giving Louise Aunty Winnie's Doll.
Love & miss you so much Uncle Bill,  Joan xoxoxoxoxoxo.
Neice Joan Lovely memory Uncle Bill January 24, 2014
Dear Uncle Bill.
I can remember once I went to visit you at your home in Brinnington.
And you was telling me about this all black kitty cat that you was feeding.
And that it came into your house one day, after that day you ended up keeping it.
But the sad part of this memory is that one day the all black kitty cat went out.
Sadly it never returned back home.
I often wonder what happened to that all black Kitty Cat.
Always in my heart and thoughts Uncle Bill, and miss you lots.
Your Neice Joan xoxoxoxox
Neice Joan A great memory Uncle Bill January 18, 2014
Dear Uncle Bill.
I can remember a time when you came to see to our Bella for us.
Because we was at our Charlotte's or Craig's Wedding can't remember whos Wedding it was.
And you came over to feed her and took her for a walk on the field at the back of our house.
And I can remember you saying to me when you shouted Bella a few times, it sound like you was a french man.
Thank You for giving me that wonderful memory.
Love always your Neice Joan xoxoxoxox.
Neice Joan A loving memory of my Uncle Bill January 10, 2014
Dear Uncle Bill.
I can remember every year when you came around on your push bike with your Christmas card for me.
And I would make you a cup of tea and give you some biscuit.
Thats when you lived in Brinnington not far from me.
Then when you moved to Hazel Grove you had to post your Christmas Cards to me.
It felt so strange this Christmas 2013 when no Christmas Card came from you.
God bless you always Uncle Bill.
Your Neice Joan, xoxox
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