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Daughter Joan Love you Mum forever, Joan xoxoxo September 9, 2020
Mum here is a picture of your great grandson Henry, I know you will love it has much has we do.
Sending lots of love and billions of kisses your way.
From your daughter Joan xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo.
Daughter Joan Love you Mum forever, Joan xoxoxo September 9, 2020
Mum Years may come and years may go, But our love for you will grow and grow.
Going to take some flowers up for you today Mum, hope you like them.
Love and miss you for ever, Please watch over us all, but more so our Beautiful Henry.
You would love him so much Mum, and he would love you also.
Sending all my love nd lots more to you and God Bless You.
Your loving daughter Joan, son Tom,  grandkids Louise, Ian, and great grandkid Henry.
And also my loving husband John, xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo.
My Mum on Mother's Day Happy Mother's Day Mum and Auntie Winnie March 22, 2020
Dear Mum.
ishing a lovely Mother's Day with Auntie Winnie.
Wish you both was here today how beautiful that would be.
So deeply sorry for some reason with Firefox I don't know how to put graphics in now which is so upsetting Mum.
So sending all my love and kisses to you both.
Please come to me in my Dreams Mum.
Your daughter Joan & Son Tom with love, and all your grandkids and great grandkids also.
Love you Mum your daughter Joan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Daughter Joan & Niece Joan God Bless You Both Always xoxoxoxo September 9, 2019
Mum this picture of The lord is for you Uncle Bill and Aunty Winnie.
{God Bless The Three Of You}.
Sending love and kisses from Joan and all your family.
Daughter Joan with love xoxoxo Hope Uncle Bill is giving you a big hug for me. September 9, 2019
Lord if Roses grow in Heaven Lord please pick a bunch for me and place them in my Mother's arms and tell her they are from me, and please tell her Dear Lord how much I love and miss her with all my heart.
Mum sending lots of love and million of hugs up to Heaven foe you.
From your Daughter Joan, Son Thomas, Grand Children Louise, Ian, Charlotte and Graig.
And your great Grand Children our beautiful Henry, and Noah with lots of love. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox.
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